I made a game in 0 hours! Check it out:

git log

The end of Daylight Saving Time in the fall is the perfect time to make a game. I started at 1:59 (CDT) and ended at 1:59 (CST). I made a game in no time at all!

Unfortunately, it’s a stretch to call what I made a game. This was my first time doing the 0h game challenge, and 0 hours is not a very long time to make a game. Here’s what it looks like:

0hgame screenshot

I didn’t spend much time planning what the game would be like. I thought it would be in the spirit of the challenge to improvise everything at the last minute. I did come up with a vague idea of what I wanted to make earlier in the day, though. My vision was to make a game where you play as a cat who does parkour in an obstacle course – in space. I forgot to draw space helmets on the cats.

If you look at my git log above, you can see how I spent my time. I spent the first 30 minutes just drawing the cats. That was a mistake. That left me the remaining 30 minutes to start coding and try to pull something together for the actual game. I was just able to get things on the screen by the time the mystical hour ended. You can’t control those cats on the screen. They just sit there. The blocks do move though.

In the end, here’s what I was able to complete (and not complete):

  • graphics
  • obstacles
  • input
  • collisions
  • winning/losing or score

For next time, let’s:

  1. Spend less time on the art. It’s ok if it looks like garbage.
  2. Probably still do the art first. I need to have something to show on the screen.

It may not be fun to play, but it was fun to make! I’ll try this again next year and see if I can get further.

You can find the code for my game on Github.