A Comparison of Shell Features

Jobs POSIX bash dash fish xonsh zsh When shell exits unspecified1 send SIGHUP to jobs2 reparent jobs send SIGHUP to jobs3 4 send SIGHUP to jobs send SIGHUP to jobs5 disown unspecified yes no; not needed yes no yes http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/sh.html ↩︎ https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Signals.html#Signals ↩︎ http://fishshell.com/docs/current/commands.html#disown ↩︎ https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/3497#issuecomment-267803217 ↩︎ http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Jobs-_0026-Signals.html#Jobs ↩︎

0hgame 2018 Post-mortem

I made a game in 0 hours! Check it out: The end of Daylight Saving Time in the fall is the perfect time to make a game. I started at 1:59 (CDT) and ended at 1:59 (CST). I made a game in no time at all! Unfortunately, it’s a stretch to call what I made a game. This was my first time doing the 0h game challenge, and 0 hours is not a very long time to make a game....

Command-line Swiss Army Knives

Documents: Pandoc Features Convert between a huge number of document formats Convert Markdown documents with many possible extensions Templates: use a template document with conditionals and metadata variables Images: ImageMagick Features Display images in any format Display sequences of images as an animation Convert between image formats Edit images from the command line: Draw shapes or text Combine multiple images into one composite image Adjust colors or brightness Crop, resize, rotate, etc....

A Comparison of Markdown Converters I Use

Blackfriday cmark kramdown lcmark marked Pandoc Python Markdown Render as PDF no yes yes yes no yes no Templates no no ERB Pandoc no custom no Extentions some1 no many2 no some3 many4 many5 Implementation Language Go C Ruby Lua Javascript Haskell Python Users Hugo Jekyll TagSpaces My Python scripts https://github.com/russross/blackfriday#extensions ↩︎ https://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html#kramdown-syntax ↩︎ https://marked.js.org/#/README.md#specifications ↩︎ https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#markdown-variants ↩︎ https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/#officially-supported-extensions ↩︎

How to Automatically Generate and Preview LaTeX Files with Vim

If you use a fancy LaTeX editor like Lyx or Gummi, you can see a preview of the document you are editing in real time. This is important for LaTeX since the output looks so different than the source. I prefer to use more general text editors, like Vim. Vim doesn’t have any built in support for previewing LaTeX documents, but it is still very simple to set up the automatic generation of the PDF output using Vim....

A Comparison of Some Free Software Licenses

This page is obsolete. You should take a look at choosealicense.com instead; it’s much better. Apache not copyleft about 3 pages long CC0 public domain plus a fallback license for jurisdictions that don’t have public domain this is the recommended way to dedicate a work to the public domain GNU GPL the most popular FOSS license copyleft does not allow linking from code with other licenses about 10 pages long GNU LGPL copyleft allows linking from code with other licenses defined as the GPL plus a page of additional terms ISC only requires that the copyright info remain intact most readable license I have seen a single concise sentence MIT only requires that the copyright info remain intact very readable a single wordy sentence MPL weak copyleft, i....